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Physicians Update WINTER 201 6 Transplant Issue Heart Transplant p. 1 Kidney Exchange p. 3 Bone Marrow Transplant p. 6 Lung Transplant p. 8 Kidney Transplant p. 10 HEART Technology Broadens Pool of Donor Organs The field of heart transplantation has been bolstered recently by techniques to increase the pool of donor hearts, as well as by advances in keeping patients awaiting transplantation stable for longer periods of time. “The biggest advances really stem from how we’re going to think about organ donation in the future,” says Daniel Cruz, MD, assistant clinical professor of cardiology. UCLA is a clinical-trial site for the Organ Care System (OCS) Heart, a groundbreaking experimental organ-preservation device that keeps donor hearts beating during transport. The device is a portable perfusion and monitoring system that delivers warm, oxygenated, nutrient-enriched blood to the donor heart and keeps it in a living state until the organ is ready to be transplanted. continued on p. 4