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UCLA Clinical Updates Pediatric Inflammatory Bowel Disease Learn about the Latest Advances from UCLA South Bay Endocrinology Practice The pediatric IBD program at UCLA recognizes the special needs of pediatric patients and provides care in a compassionate setting, working to slow the progression of the disease and prevent operations to remove scarred intestinal tissue or the entire colon. UCLA South Bay Endocrinology in Torrance offers a full range of endocrinology care, continuing to serve area residents from a convenient South Bay location. Pediatric Intestinal Transplant Pediatric Asthma UCLA’s Pediatric Intestinal Transplant Program is one of the largest such programs in the world and is regarded as a leader in achieving enteral autonomy to avoid transplantation and, when transplantation is necessary, providing among the best outcomes. UCLA pediatric pulmonologists offer comprehensive treatment options for the medical management of asthma, including advanced pulmonary function testing and a multifaceted patient-education program. Aortic Disorders International Adoption and Travel Clinic Less-invasive endovascular techniques are more frequently being used to repair abnormalities of the aorta, but accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment are vital to achieving good patient outcomes. UCLA’s International Adoption and Travel Clinic is dedicated to the healthcare of families and children who travel internationally and assists families who are adopting with pre-adoption counseling and comprehensive evaluation of adopted children. Saliva Stones Pediatric Cardiology Sialendoscopy is an innovative technique that uses extremely narrow endoscopes to provide a low-risk solution to saliva stones that can otherwise be difficult to manage. UCLA’s comprehensive pediatric cardiology services now include a practice in the high-desert region, serving the Hesperia, Apple Valley and Victorville communities and reducing the need for patients to travel to distant centers for specialized care. Blood Clots UCLA is the first center in California to offer a minimally invasive procedure to vacuum blood clots out of a patient’s vein and filter out solids before returning the cleansed blood to the patient. The procedure is available to many patients with blood clots in the lungs or at risk of breaking off and traveling to the heart or lungs. UCLA surgeons and gastroenterologists have been performing a new, minimally invasive procedure to remove large and difficult-to reach colon polyps in cases that would normally call for bowel resection surgery. UCLA is first center in California to offer minimally invasive procedure for removing blood clots Consultation for repeated salivary gland infections A minimally invasive procedure is now available for the treatment of saliva stones, providing a low-risk solution to a problem that has been difficult to manage. Sialendoscopy is an innovative technique that uses extremely narrow endoscopes to diagnose and treat many conditions of the salivary glands. The human body has three pairs of major salivary glands: parotid, submandibular and sublingual. These glands produce the digestive and lubricating saliva necessary for swallowing and to maintain oral health. However, salivary production can be obstructed by the formation of salivary gland stones, causing repeated infections of the salivary gland. While the incidence of saliva stones is unknown, it’s estimated that about 10,000 Americans experience an infection each year. The majority of stones arise in the submandibular — or submaxillary — gland, typically producing repeated swelling of the cheek or under the jawbone. These episodes of swelling and tenderness can be improved temporarily with antibiotics, warm compresses or sialogogues — foods like sour candies or vitamin C supplements that increase salivary flow. However, the inflammation frequently returns. Repeated infections can lead to permanent narrowing of the salivary ducts. The obstruction then becomes chro