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Physicians Update FALL 2017 Orthopaedics Issue Dwarfism p. 1 Great Toe Arthritis p. 3 Sarcoma Care p. 6 New Chair of Orthopaedics p. 8 Sports Medicine p. 10 DWARFISM UCLA Registry Helps Researchers and Physicians to Better Understand Dwarfism The world’s largest registry for skeletal disorders, based in UCLA’s Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, continues to play a critical role in the diagnosis, management and etiology of patients with dwarfism, as well as providing an invaluable tool for researchers seeking to develop better treatments. The International Skeletal Photos: (Top) iStock, (Bottom) Alamy Dysplasia Registry was established in 1970 at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center and then moved to UCLA in 2013. It now has more than 20,000 cases, providing a treasure trove of DNA, cell lines, radiographs and medical records that have led to a better understanding of the genetic and biologic continued on p. 4